Prayer Requests
1. Robb Hoff, the husband of Pastor Ellen Hoff, of Gravois Mills UMC, heart attack.
2. Carrender Family, Don and Marilyn Leach's son-in-law's father, passed away.
3. Brandt Arnold, 11 yr old of our youth group, whose father passed away.
4. Brenda Rose, former member and youth director of Ozark Chapel, has colon cancer.
Update: Brenda had a 14 hour surgery on Sunday. It was successful. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. Call Mary Jo at 280-2296 if you want more info.
5. Anne Davidson, daughter of Dave and Janet Taylor, hysterectomy.
6. Zeta Davidson, Taylor’s daughter’s mother-in-law, breast cancer.
7. Colleen Kerstetter—was hospitalized for tests. Is now home.
Others from the weekly church bulletin:
Sarah Carr, Dick Dobbins, Tricia Kephardt, Howard Kerstetter, Frances Lueck, Ken Newkirk, Evelyn Mack, and Julie Wilson.
Mozambique: Rev. Regina, Mapinhane UMC and Helen Shepherd, Mongolia.
As always, pray for our church, our pastor, and each other.