Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Orphanage Fundraiser

Benefiting the
Carolyn Belshe Orphanage in Mozambique, Africa.

Saturday, August 18
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Ozark Chapel
United Methodist Church
Fellowship Hall

This is a community event to raise funds to feed, clothe, and educate the least of the least that they might become leaders in the world.

Shop for handmade items, a beautiful hand sewn quilt and so much more.  Your purchases will be helping the children.

Hot Dogs, Nachos/Cheese & Desserts are also being sold for a nominal fee.

Enter through front door and go down the stairs. Can’t do steps?
Use ramp on north side of the church to enter basement.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Free Concert

Mark Rayson performs at Ozark Chapel UMC
 on Friday, June 22 at 7:00 p.m.

            Mike Rayson is a story teller, song writer, singer, piano/guitar player and evangelist. He is well known for his unique style of preaching and storytelling.
            Mike recently participated in the Good Friday Service which began at Westminster Central Hall, moved to Westminster cathedral, and finished at Westminster Abbey. He has shared his ministry with Rev. Billy Graham’s daughter, Anne Graham lotz, Rev. Dr. Leonard Sweet, E Stanley Jones, Professor of Evangelism at Duke University, and Compassion International, a ministry which helps release children from poverty in Jesus’ name.
            Mike was born and raised in the outback of South Australia but brought his family to America two years ago. He will tell you he was “not fond of this idea at all, but when God calls, God calls.” Since then, life in America has drastically changed his ministry.
            Plan to attend this musical evening as Mike presents his original songs, humor, and stories. Refreshments will be served following the performance.

Ozark Chapel UMC -- 305 N. Main Street, Laurie, MO

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Rummage and Tent Sale

The United Methodist Women are collecting your clothing and small household donations from 9:00 - 4:00 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week to prepare for the sale that starts Friday morning.

The United Methodist Men are collecting your larger household items and furniture at the tent in the parking lot from 9:00 - 4:00 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week to prepare for the sale that starts Friday morning.

See more details regarding the sale in an earlier post.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Family Food Boxes

An offering of Family Food Boxes, for distribution through the Festival of Sharing, will be collected at Annual Conference June 7-10, 2012. Last year Missouri food pantries requested nearly 11,000 food boxes for their clients. (This was their estimated need for a two-month period.) We are asking our Ozark Chapel family to assemble boxes and bring them to the church through the end of May so that they can be transported to Springfield.
Family Food Pack (value=$25)
3 cans assorted vegetables
3 cans assorted fruits
3 cans tuna
1 can pasta sauce
1 lb. pasta
1 can Spam
3 pkgs. Macaroni & cheese
Place items in a sturdy box or book carton, tape and label “Family Food Pack.” You can add them to the boxes being collected in the Narthex.         Thank you!

All Church Rummage/Tent Sale

All church Rummage/Tent Sale will be Friday, June 15 from 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. and Saturday, June 16 from 8:00 a.m.-12:00 noon. Items for the UMW Rummage sale will be accepted from Monday, June 11-Thursday, June 14th.  Please feel free to drop by to help with the set up and working the days of the sale.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Gussie Waisner

Gussie Waisner passed away at 9:00 p.m. on Monday, May 14.  The family will receive friends at the Kidwell Garber Funeral Home in Versailles on Friday, May 18 at 1:00 p.m. The funeral will follow at 2:00 p.m. Please pray for Gussie's family.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Weekly Calendar--May 7-13, 2012

Monday, May 7
              9:30 a.m.       Intercessory Prayer
              5:15 p.m.       Hand Bells Rehearsal
              6:15 p.m.       Finance Committee Meeting (Annex)
              6:30 p.m.       Boy Scouts
              7:00 p.m.       Ad Council Meeting (Annex)
Tuesday, May 8
              5:30 p.m.       Good News Potluck and Bible Study
              6:00 p.m.       Cub Scouts Spaghetti Supper
Wednesday, May 9
              1:00 p.m.       United Methodist Women
Thursday, May 10
              9:30 a.m.       Sisters Bible Study
              2:00 p.m.       Praise Practice
              5:30 p.m.       United Methodist Men
Saturday, May 12
            10:00 a.m.       Zumba
Sunday, May 13
              8:00 a.m.       Contemporary Worship Service
              9:15 a.m.       Church School Hour
            10:30 a.m.       Traditional Worship Service

Prayer List--May 6, 2012

Please Pray For
Louise Bassett, Madelan Boersma, Dick Dobbins, Eula Fields,
Sheila LaTurno, Betty Roseman, Steve Skorupan,
Tammy Turner and Roy Vandelicht
Mozambique: Rev. Regina Covane, Mapinhane UMC,
Mongolia: Helen Shepherd

Announcements--May 6, 2012

Congratulations to Candice and Randy Thomas on the birth of their daughter, Maeci Janamarie, on Monday, April 30.
Congratulations to Jennifer Lakey for being named Educator of the Year at Hurricane Deck Elementary School.
The flowers on the altar are provided by Gary and Jane Cooper in loving memory of Jane’s mother, Rebecca Shaffer, who passed away ten years ago.
Dear Ozark Chapel, We want to share the latest news about our granddaughter, Eliza, with the church members who have been so caring. We are thrilled with her progress, and each day brings new skills for her. We are in the midst of fundraising for our walk. Check the website: Go to Upcoming Events, find the 2012 National Walk in Nashville, TN and click on Team Eliza to read Eliza’s story and make an online contribution. Or email us at, and we can email you a quick link to make an online contribution. We can also accept your cash donations.
Dave and Sue Boone
Westside Senior Center BBQ Pork Steak Fundraiser Dinner is today from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. $7.00 at the door. Carryout available.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Church Library

Please make use of our Ozark Chapel United Methodist Church library. We have many wonderful books just waiting for you to check out and enjoy. There are several newly donated very informative DVD's about the history of the Holy Land narrated by Ray Vander Laan. As you watch them you feel like you are actually there.
Ellen Schroeder, church librarian.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Help Needed for Westside Senior Center

Ozark Chapel has the week of April 2 to help at the Westside Senior Center.  The duties are to make coffee and help people with their plates, if needed, and to wipe the tables when they are emptied.  We need two people each day - Monday through Friday. The volunteer help arrives about 10:45 and stays until 12:30. 

If you are available the week of 4/2, please contact me. send me an email and let me know. 
Thank you,
Jackie Hellmann

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Prayer Requests--Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ruth Bellows passed away Wednesday. The Memorial Service will be at Kidwell-Garber Funeral Home in Laurie on Saturday, January 21 at 2:00 p.m.

Cody McElwee, grandson of George and Pat Whitney, and son of Dale and Sara McElwee, passed away on Monday, January 16.

Keep the following people in your prayers:

Rick Bockman, Marti Brummett, Linda Buchmann, Larry Carmichael, Sarah Carr, Colleen Kerstetter, Sherry Knighton, Evelyn Mack, Roger Mangels, Doug Mattenlee, Bill Merino, Jim Rollins, Brenda Rose, Janet Wilson and  Julie Wilson.