Thursday, June 14, 2012

Free Concert

Mark Rayson performs at Ozark Chapel UMC
 on Friday, June 22 at 7:00 p.m.

            Mike Rayson is a story teller, song writer, singer, piano/guitar player and evangelist. He is well known for his unique style of preaching and storytelling.
            Mike recently participated in the Good Friday Service which began at Westminster Central Hall, moved to Westminster cathedral, and finished at Westminster Abbey. He has shared his ministry with Rev. Billy Graham’s daughter, Anne Graham lotz, Rev. Dr. Leonard Sweet, E Stanley Jones, Professor of Evangelism at Duke University, and Compassion International, a ministry which helps release children from poverty in Jesus’ name.
            Mike was born and raised in the outback of South Australia but brought his family to America two years ago. He will tell you he was “not fond of this idea at all, but when God calls, God calls.” Since then, life in America has drastically changed his ministry.
            Plan to attend this musical evening as Mike presents his original songs, humor, and stories. Refreshments will be served following the performance.

Ozark Chapel UMC -- 305 N. Main Street, Laurie, MO

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Rummage and Tent Sale

The United Methodist Women are collecting your clothing and small household donations from 9:00 - 4:00 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week to prepare for the sale that starts Friday morning.

The United Methodist Men are collecting your larger household items and furniture at the tent in the parking lot from 9:00 - 4:00 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week to prepare for the sale that starts Friday morning.

See more details regarding the sale in an earlier post.